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The CM-700 is a modular controller equipped with a CPU, a TTL/RS485 communication circuit, and a ZIG-110 connector. However, for controlling devices such as Dynamixels or other peripherals, a SUB board is required.

The SUB board for the CM-700 consists of several sections, including a power supply module, a set of connectors, a switch, and additional circuitry dedicated to 5-pin peripheral devices. You can consult the connector pin layout to design your own custom SUB board.

Description + Details

Product Features:

  • Weight: 37.3 grams
  • Microprocessor: ATMega2561
  • Supply Voltage: Operating range between 7V and 35V
  • Energy Consumption: In standby mode, the consumption is 40 mA
  • Maximum Current for External I/O: 0.9 A for each pin
  • Total Maximum Current: Up to 10 A, fuse protected
  • Operating Temperature Range: Operates effectively between -5°C and 70°C
  • Internal I/O Devices: Includes two buttons (one for reset and one for startup) and a voltage sensor
  • External I/O Devices:
    • 5-pin ROBOTIS port (6 ports available)
    • DYNAMIXEL TTL 3-pin connector (4 ports available)
    • DYNAMIXEL RS485 4-pin connector (5 ports available)

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