Distance Sensor DMS-80



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The DMS-80 provides your robot with accurate distance data, essential for autonomous navigation and obstacle avoidance.


Description + Details

Using the DMS-80 distance sensor

The DMS-80 distance sensor uses infrared signals to accurately measure distance. It is very insensitive to the color of the obstacle.

The DMS-80 distance sensor comes with a 3- to 5-pin cable and can therefore be used with the control units CM-510 . CM-530 ,

CM-700 CM-900 .

The pinout of the DMS-80 distance sensor is as follows:

dms-80 dynamixel bioloid distance sensor pinout

  1. Supply voltage VCC (5V)
  2. Mass
  3. ADC analog output corresponding to the distance


DMS-80 distance sensor specifications

  • Weight: 4.4 g
  • Sensing distance: 10 - 80 cm
  • Supply voltage: 4.5 to 5.5 V

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